Yes I had learnt that success is not about the A's we make in school.

" Go to school, get a good grade to get a good job and live BETTER" That's what most of our parents say.

But is school really worth where going? I asked my self.

Does going to school guarantee success? I wondered.

Are we really trained to be a source of help to our society in school?

And also is this CENTURY SCHOOL still thesame as SCHOOL back then?

I have been wondering why school is a one way traffic.

Our brain is the best school ever because it react differently and give different solutions to same problem.

If school can tell between stupid student and smart student then what of those who left school and are well known than those who graduated?

Yes, school is a basic of all but it must stop imposing things on us.

Different people with different mindset and goals but are training the same way. They were also expected to think like the writer of their course.

The painful part is comparing us with TEXTBOOK which was written by 5 to 6 people.

I can't believe we've neglected our unique brain to follow a book.

Our brain is the most powerful engine ever which is capable of creating, building, constructing, and exploring the world positively. instead of testing our cramming ability, school should should also be testing our technical ability.

Instead of differentiating between smart and stupid student, It should create mutual relationship that make everyone happy of the talent and gift they posses.

We should not be limited to calculation which might later be useless in our life style.

Their should be measurement to everything we do.

Build us to be of help to ourselves not to focus only on good grade.

Teach us to be independent not to focus on government job.

Teach us how to let money work for us not how to work for money

Teach us how to control money not to be controlled by money.

Our brains have is wider than ordinary TEXTBOOK because we are expecting how to control money too.


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