Are you hungry to take your place at the top, do you eat, sleep, dream and breathe success? Look no further, you are in the right place.

Primus Inter Pares, he’s a leader, the one who plans and carries out his strategies so skilfully his success can only be defined as an art of its own. He is the one everyone looks up to, when he stands the room is quiet, once he speaks all ears are at attention. He gets out of the trickiest situation so suave, everyone is left in awe….okay okay, let’s get serious.

The ‘First among Equals’ is the one who has set for himself a name of excellence, he works hard to get what he wants. Literally the best of the best, every man wants to be him and every woman wants to be with him. Do you think you have what it takes? Check out some of the things you have to do to get that most coveted status;


  • Work harder than everyone else: You need to break and bend to be the best, you have to be prepared to go the extra mile past where everyone else stops. If everyone stops at point B you get to point D, building up great work ethics is a must to always keep you focused. Be content but never satisfied.


  • Master self-discipline: Always be in control, your body and mind must be tailored for success. Don’t be one of those guys who have stuff to do but take an extra 30 minute nap, or eats too much Amala that puts the brain to sleep and don’t let me get started on the alcohol business (smh). Your cravings and desires must not come ahead of your goals.


  • Be open: having an open mind is one of the greatest qualities of an achieverbe willing to explore, learn and unlearn. Don’t depend on one way to get things done, be open to learning different means. Also, don’t be the wise ass that shuts everybody down, avoid dismissing ideas when you haven’t even analysed them because you never know the potential they might have.


  • Be confident: Your confidence will propel you to greater heights, many men are scared to take up roles or do certain things because they do not have the self-confidence to push themselves. Don’t be so shy as to not speak up, share opinions or ask for useful things, volunteer to take up more tasks (even if the call you bebeto), make yourself known for positive things and own who you are, staying in the shadows means that you’ll end up losing out. So grow your confidence but leave the cockiness to the loser jerks.


  • Don’t ever give up: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, “the patient do gets the fattest bone”, “to chop omelette you go first break egg” do we need more phrases to pass the message? You must never ever stop putting effort in your work and developing yourself, no amount of failures should stop you from hitting the ground running every day. Develop the last man standing mentality and watch how you’ll rule your word.
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