The Fear of Wishes


                    ~ The Beginning ~

       The oceanic nature of life with an Invisible look had got both genders capsized without any notice. That is why stupidity trends with the highest degree in this vicinity. I have not seen a single reason to be like anybody in this country, but my thoughts were always inconsiderable in the presence of self-declared scholars. I imagined how things would have been if everyone was just like me. “Wow! What a perfect life people would have been living.” But now, I realized that most people do what others want, to gain millions of followers on social media. Though it didn't grab my attention, but the idea surely crossed my mind a few times. No wonder people are after what should have been after them.

        That’s what I'd been thinking while standing beside a big restaurant. I was about to enter my Toyota Camry, when I saw a nice-looking man alighting from a brand new blue Venza car. “Wow! What a handsome rich man.” I mused. 

       As the man entered the restaurant, all eyes were on him, but it seemed as though the man was not aware of them. 

      I stood there for a few moments to hear people's views, opinions and comments about him, but I was unable to hear them clearly from my spot.
I picked up some courage and went closer to the crowd. I heard a dark skinned girl saying to her colleague:

        “He’s one of the richest men in this community. People wish to be like him.” 

        “But why do people keep talking about him?” A lady asked holding her waist, eager to hear more about the rich man.

         I felt relaxed, as I had the same question. Although they didn’t seem to acknowledge my presence, I didn’t care. My objective was to know why people kept talking about the man.

       “My dear, do you know that the man is still single?! Nobody knows where his office is located.” The dark skinned girl exclaimed.

        “But the major thing I observed about him is that he always comes here with different cars every time he visits the restaurant.” She continued.

       “Ah!” I exclaimed. But none of them even looked towards me.

      “But how do you know he is single?” The second lady asked.

          “One of my friends knows his house. She said that it is a big mansion, and she has never heard a lady’s voice there, let alone seeing her. It was always locked and only the man opened the gate and closed it. Isn’t this surprising?” The dark skinned girl said.
   “Yes, my friend, this is serious. What are those people doing?” She asked looking around at the crowd of people who were busy talking to each other.
     “Maybe they are also talking about the same person. Who knows?” the dark skinned girl replied.

     A few minutes later, he came out of the restaurant, holding a white polythene bag.

     I was surprised. If this man is single, why would he buy extra food?
None of them paid any attention to what I said; instead, they walked away. 

     “This is ridiculous, why are they acting like this? At least you should notice someone talking beside you!” I hissed and moved toward my car.

   This man should be my next target. I must find out who he is and know everything about him even the hidden part of him.

    The man ignited his car and zoomed off. Though I don't know his destination, but I must accomplish this mission! I entered my car and followed him. We only moved a few kilometres before he branched to the next street, I thought he was going to his house but I was wrong. I followed him and parked a few meters away from his car. When he came out, the first thing I noticed was that he wore red clothes instead of the blue which I had seen him wear on his visit to the restaurant.
       “Red!” I exclaimed.

    “How is this possible?” I asked myself. When he does not have a driver, how can he undress while driving? 

     As a determined person, I believe in accomplishing my mission. I watched him as he entered an unfinished building. Despite its condition, there were two guards at the entrance. He exchanged some files with them and was granted permission to enter.

    “What kind of file is that?” I asked myself. Then I heard a mysterious voice saying “Welcome! Welcome!! Welcome!!! You are highly welcome to the Village of the gods… Ah ah ah...” I heard a disembodied voice.

      I was shocked and began to shiver. I felt a strange sound in my head like a ringing bell.I was destabilized, my feet were unable to carry my whole body not until the voice faded away before I regained consciousness.

     I showed no concern about this gruff voice. Instead, I was busy thinking of how to enter the building. I came out of my car and hid behind a big tree very close to my car, looking for means to get closer to the building. 

     Suddenly I felt a strange touch on my shoulder. I was melting already because I have no idea of whom it might be. Different thoughts crossed my mind. I turned to take a look at the person.

       “Don't scream and don't be afraid, for I am here to help and show you what brought you here."

        I saw a strange creature to which I could not precisely assign a gender. One part of him looked like a man while the other looked like an angel. it was glowing brightly,making it difficult to see his body. I only saw a face and hand. Even its walking was different than humans, because it walked faster than me. It must be an angel, I concluded.
       The first miracle he did was entering the building without the guards' knowledge.
       As we entered the building, I saw the man who entered before us standing and holding the food he bought from the restaurant.

      “What is this man doing?” I asked the angel.

“He is one of the devil's messengers who was sent to the street to extract the glory of the covetous people.”

       “But why, and how?” I asked
“He extracts not only the covetous ones alone but also those who are praying to be like him. Those who take less time to mind their business whenever they come across him.”

      “Ah!” I screamed and quickly covered my mouth, thinking they would hear me.

       “You are not like them; anything you do here does not affect them. They can neither see you nor hear your voice.” What the angel said made me realize why the two ladies I met earlier were unable to hear me.

        “So, what brought me here Because I know that I have no intention of following you. I hate it when people don't mind their business.” I said. facing the angel.

          The angel kept quiet, as if he hadn’t heard me. A few minutes later, the rich man was asked to bring what he was holding. He moved closer to a man in black, who looked weird – I guessed he was the leader. He handed over the filled nylon to the man. Few moments after the nylon was given to the spirit-man, five ladies appeared. This shocked me. I looked very closely to see if I could recognize any of those ladies, but could not. As I was busy staring at those people, two other people appeared, among them was one of the two ladies who had been discussing about him near the restaurant.

     “Why are these two people here?” I asked the angel.
      “They are part of those captured by the messenger. The second lady – after leaving the spot of discussion – was busy thinking of how to get in touch with the man. She got moved by the description and was heartening interested in the wealth of the man. She is a type that loves ready-made things and does not like to stress herself. She has already known the rich man before she came to ask.”
“But why?” I asked.

       “She wants to know more about the man. She has been planning to leave her poor husband ever since she set her eyes on this man.” the angel replied.

      “oh! I exclaimed. “But she had pretended that she knew nothing about the man?” I questioned, confused. 

      “That's her– she was planning to meet the man, not knowing that her soul has been captured.”

I shook my head “But what will happen to those souls?” I asked. 
 “Nothing much; other than to be used as a source of money for the man after they eat the food.” the angel said.

     We were yet to finish our conversation, when the man instructed one of his bodyguards to collect the food from him. The guard moved closer to the spirit-man and collected the food.
“Give it to them!” He shouted, “let them eat it! Their destiny is ours! Hhahahaha!” he laughed.

      Uncontrollable tears began to roll down the cheeks of these innocent ladies as the guard moved closer to them. He was moving in the direction of the lady I met at the front of the restaurant. Since she was at the right-hand side of him, While I saw two men at the other division of the building. This caught my attention because one of them was blindfolded while the other hold a knife in his hand. Though I couldn't figure out who they were at first. 
     "Who are they?"I asked the angel

     "They are friends" the angel replied.

     "Why is the other man blindfolded?" I asked again.

    "This is what you came here for." The angel said to me.

      "Me"? I was surprised.

        " Yes you." The angel replied.

       "The man who was blindfolded was ignorant of the source of his friend's wealth but was eager to be like him. They were planning to embark on a journey which will surely results to what you are seeing. He was blindfolded because he showed no concern to what might be the outcome of the journey, all he wanted was getting green pastures." The angel explained.

      After some seconds the man was unfolded, and was about to be killed by his friend. I looked more closely before I saw he was my husband. My head sounded like a bell and I could not control myself, I looked beside me to see if the angel was still with me but unfortunately, I couldn't find him. 

      As the man was trying to kill my husband, I ran as fast as I could to stop him but before I reached the spot, he had killed him. Blood began to flow as my husband wallowed in his blood and groaned in pain. I looked into his eyes, uncontrollable tears began to roll down my cheeks.
      "He is dead" a strange voice said. I held my head and screamed “Nooooo!” Suddenly, I felt a quick grab on my body which was vibrating loudly, I opened my eyes slightly, sweat overwhelmed me like an object immersed in water. The only thing I could hear was the skippy voice of my husband saying;

“What happened, baby?” I could not utter any word but when I observed that my husband was unable to control his fear, I managed to say “SO THIS WAS A DREAM?” My husband sighed, showing he was partially relieved.

      As I rested my head on his chest receiving soothing relief, I kept thinking about what he told me before we went to bed. How will I explain my dream to get him convinced against his recent decision of closing down his shop and following his friend Matt to an unknown village to get green pastures?

I sighed.
I replied “Nothing.” 

I closed my eyes, waiting for sunrise so that I can explain the revelation to my husband.
        Some minutes later, my husband adjusted himself, resting his back on the drawer of our bed. I raised my head up and look into his eye.

       "What is wrong sweetheart" I asked him.

      "What was the revelation" he asked.

    I wasn't surprised, since I was expecting the question. He knows my dreams always come to reality if the victim took no caution.

       I quickly moved more closer to him, rubbed his chest with my palm and said dearie it's all about your journey with Matt.

Oh! Really? What was wrong in your dream? He asked, eager to hear what I want to say.

     He was dumbfounded, looking surprised till I finished my narration. After I explained to him the revelation, he held my hands and we prayed.

        Some minutes past six, his phone rang, he was already in the bathroom taking his shower. It is unusual of me to pick his calls so I ignored it.

         "Who is that?" My husband asked.
        " Your friend" I responded sluggishly.

        He hissed - " just leave him, till we returned."

We both dressed-up. When it clocked 7am we boarded a taxi to our pastor's house for prayers and directories.


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