Why were you so sad because of what they did to you?

Why were you confused because of their statements?

They neglect you, then you felt bad

Don't you know them?

They are Human they can't be perfect.

They are Human, they have swing emotions.

They are Human, they can't love forever.

They are dynamic in nature.

They love, they hate and they love again.

Don't be Down or Happy because of their recent reactions, they will surely change either partially or Completely.

Now why were you so sad when you knew all this.

People who can lie to find the truth

Likewise, they can tell the truth which is a lie.

People who smiled when they were sad

And cried when happy

People who can by all means disconnect you from success and reconnect you with failure, what do you think they can not do.

People who lost trust and failed to search for it, instead they look for mistrust.

People who comfortably look for inconveniency.

People who believe they are perfect but later became HOODLUMS

People who choose to loose you for money

Then, what do you think they can not do?

Please don't be fooled with their smiles & laughs

And don't be scared by their looks and words.
Sometimes they don't mean it.

People who can pretend for Years for them to have what they want.

Why were you so sad because of what they did to you?

My bro/sis.

Be the strong you
Stay focus and stand firm.


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